Daejeon Convention Center(DCC) Promotional Video(대전컨벤션센터 DCC 홍보영상)
승인 2023-09-08 08:00
금상진 기자
The Daejeon Convention Center's Exhibition Hall 1, opened in 2008, is comprised of three floors, from the 1st basement floor to the 3rd floor. It covers an area of 6,584 square meters and can accommodate up to 6,400 people.
Daejeon Convention Center's Exhibition Hall 1
The Daejeon Convention Center features a large exhibition hall, along with a grand ballroom, medium-sized conference halls, small meeting rooms, and an auditorium. It is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including a 611-inch LED screen, high-definition curved LED display system, online video conferencing system, simultaneous interpretation booths, and beam projectors. With these advanced systems in place, the center can host high-quality MICE events.
The exhibition hall on the 1st floor covers an area of 2,520 square meters, making it suitable for various exhibition events, large-scale banquets, product presentations, and competitions. Depending on the nature and scale of the event, the hall can be divided and integrated into four separate spaces.
The medium-sized conference hall on the 1st floor is divided into 8 meeting rooms and a lobby. It is well-suited for educational seminars, workshops, and conferences. Depending on the size of the meeting, two halls can be combined or used separately to accommodate different requirements.
The medium-sized conference rooms on the 2nd floor are designed as dedicated online video conferencing studios for hosting hybrid meetings. In room 205, there is a 368-inch high-definition curved LED display system, making it an ideal digital MICE space optimized for both online video conferences and high-quality international conferences.
The small meeting rooms on the 2nd floor consist of 6 halls suitable for small group meetings. These rooms can be combined into three units for integrated use, and when all rooms are occupied, they can serve as the event office during conferences.
The Grand Ballroom on the 2nd floor spans an area of 2,042 square meters and can accommodate over 1,500 people. It serves as a versatile conference facility equipped with a 611-inch large LED screen. This ballroom is well-suited for international conferences, major domestic and international events, ceremonies, banquets, and high-quality gatherings.
The Conference Hall, located on the 3rd floor, is designed as an auditorium with 237 seats, making it suitable for small-scale conferences, lectures, board meetings, and similar events.
Daejeon Convention Center's Exhibition Hall 2
Daejeon Convention Center's Exhibition Hall 2 covers an area of 10,151 square meters, making it the largest MICE space in the central region of Korea, and boasts well-established infrastructure. When using the entire hall, it can accommodate around 520 booths, and depending on the scale of the event, it can be divided into four separate halls.
As additional facilities, there are three small and medium-sized meeting rooms that can be used for meetings and as event offices. Additionally, there is a main office for the host, as well as VIP rooms for esteemed guests.
For the convenience of visitors, the center offers upscale restaurants, cafes, convenience stores, bakeries, and catering services.
Furthermore, both the underground and above-ground levels of Exhibition Halls 1 and 2 have a parking facility capable of accommodating up to 1,137 vehicles.
The Daejeon Convention Center, with its well-established transportation infrastructure, including railways, highways, and proximity to Cheongju Airport, is easily accessible within a 2-hour travel radius from most parts of the country. Located in the central region, the center boasts various attractions, such as the beautiful Hanbat Arboretum, as well as the Shinsegae Art & Science Center, Expo Citizen Plaza, and Hanbit Tower Media Facade. Visitors can enjoy a diverse range of cultural experiences in Daejeon.
Additionally, the center is surrounded by excellent hotel options, such as Hotel Onoma, Lotte City Hotel, ICC Hotel, and the Yuseong Tourism Special Zone, providing a comfortable and relaxing environment for visitors to recharge.
The Daejeon Convention Center, the largest MICE platform in the central region, boasts an appealing location and excellent transportation infrastructure, ensuring satisfaction for all visitors.
As the leading force in Daejeon's MICE industry, the Daejeon Convention Center aims to lead the way in the convention industry with a new leap forward. We will be your reliable partner in this endeavor, working together towards success.
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